


System Package Data Exchange

というLnux Foundationの働きの中の、

SPDX License List



License List Data


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const core = [
//	Identifier						Full name													OSI Approved
	["0BSD",						"BSD Zero Clause License",									true],
	["AAL",							"Attribution Assurance License",							true],
	["Abstyles",					"Abstyles License" ],
	["AdaCore-doc",					"AdaCore Doc License" ],
	["Adobe-2006",					"Adobe Systems Incorporated Source Code License Agreement" ],
	["Adobe-Display-PostScript",	"Adobe Display PostScript License" ],
	["Adobe-Glyph",					"Adobe Glyph List License" ],
	["Adobe-Utopia",				"Adobe Utopia Font License" ],
	["ADSL",						"Amazon Digital Services License" ],
	["AFL-1.1",				 		"Academic Free License v1.1",								true ],
	["AFL-1.2",						"Academic Free License v1.2",								true ],
	["AFL-2.0",						"Academic Free License v2.0",								true ],
	["AFL-2.1",						"Academic Free License v2.1",								true ],
	["AFL-3.0",						"Academic Free License v3.0" ],
	["Afmparse",					"Afmparse License" ],
	["AGPL-1.0-only",				"Affero General Public License v1.0 only" ],
	["AGPL-1.0-or-later",			"Affero General Public License v1.0 or later" ],
	["AGPL-3.0-only",				"GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only",				true ],
	["AGPL-3.0-or-later",			"GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later",			true ],
	["Aladdin",						"Aladdin Free Public License" ],
	["AMDPLPA",						"AMD's plpa_map.c License" ],
	["AML",							"Apple MIT License" ],
	["AML-glslang",					"AML glslang variant License" ],
	["AMPAS",						"Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences BSD" ],
	["ANTLR-PD",					"ANTLR Software Rights Notice" ],
	["ANTLR-PD-fallback",			"ANTLR Software Rights Notice with license fallback" ],
	["Apache-1.0",					"Apache License 1.0" ],
	["Apache-1.1",					"Apache License 1.1",										true ],
	["Apache-2.0",					"Apache License 2.0",										true ],
	["APAFML",						"Adobe Postscript AFM License" ],
	["APL-1.0",						"Adaptive Public License 1.0",								true ],
	["App-s2p",						"App::s2p License" ],
	["APSL-1.0",					"Apple Public Source License 1.0",							true ],
	["APSL-1.1",					"Apple Public Source License 1.1",							true ],
	["APSL-1.2",					"Apple Public Source License 1.2",							true ],
	["APSL-2.0",					"Apple Public Source License 2.0",							true ],
	["Arphic-1999",					"Arphic Public License" ],
	["Artistic-1.0",				"Artistic License 1.0",										true ],
	["Artistic-1.0-cl8",			"Artistic License 1.0 w/clause 8",							true ],
	["Artistic-1.0-Perl",		 	"Artistic License 1.0 (Perl)", 								true ],
	["Artistic-2.0",				"Artistic License 2.0",										true ],
	["ASWF-Digital-Assets-1.0",		"ASWF Digital Assets License version 1.0" ],
	["ASWF-Digital-Assets-1.1",		"ASWF Digital Assets License 1.1" ],
	["Baekmuk",						"Baekmuk License" ],
	["Bahyph",						"Bahyph License" ],
	["Barr",						"Barr License" ],
	["bcrypt-Solar-Designer",		"bcrypt Solar Designer License" ],
	["Beerware",					"Beerware License" ],
	["Bitstream-Charter",			"Bitstream Charter Font License" ],
	["Bitstream-Vera",				"Bitstream Vera Font License" ],
	["BitTorrent-1.0",				"BitTorrent Open Source License v1.0" ],
	["BitTorrent-1.1",				"BitTorrent Open Source License v1.1" ],
	["blessing",					"SQLite Blessing" ],
	["BlueOak-1.0.0",			 	"Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0",								true ],
	["Boehm-GC",					"Boehm-Demers-Weiser GC License" ],
	["Borceux",						"Borceux license" ],
	["Brian-Gladman-2-Clause",		"Brian Gladman 2-Clause License" ],
	["Brian-Gladman-3-Clause",		"Brian Gladman 3-Clause License"	],
	["BSD-1-Clause",				"BSD 1-Clause License",										true ],
	["BSD-2-Clause",				"BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\" License", 						true ],
	["BSD-2-Clause-Darwin",			"BSD 2-Clause - Ian Darwin variant" ],
	["BSD-2-Clause-Patent",			"BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License",							true ],
	["BSD-2-Clause-Views",			"BSD 2-Clause with views sentence" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause",				"BSD 3-Clause \"New" or \"Revised\" License",				true ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-acpica",			"BSD 3-Clause acpica variant" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-Attribution",	"BSD with attribution" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-Clear",			"BSD 3-Clause Clear License" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-flex",			"BSD 3-Clause Flex variant" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-HP",				"Hewlett-Packard BSD variant license" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-LBNL",			"Lawrence Berkeley National Labs BSD variant license",		true ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-Modification",	"BSD 3-Clause Modification" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-No-Military-License",		"BSD 3-Clause No Military License" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-License",			"BSD 3-Clause No Nuclear License" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-License-2014",	"BSD 3-Clause No Nuclear License 2014" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-Warranty",		"BSD 3-Clause No Nuclear Warranty" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-Open-MPI",					"BSD 3-Clause Open MPI variant" ],
	["BSD-3-Clause-Sun",						"BSD 3-Clause Sun Microsystems" ],
	["BSD-4-Clause",				"BSD 4-Clause \"Original\" or \"Old\" License" ],
	["BSD-4-Clause-Shortened",		"BSD 4 Clause Shortened" ],
	["BSD-4-Clause-UC",				"BSD-4-Clause (University of California-Specific)" ],
	["BSD-4.3RENO",					"BSD 4.3 RENO License" ],
	["BSD-4.3TAHOE",				"BSD 4.3 TAHOE License" ],
	["BSD-Advertising-Acknowledgement",			"BSD Advertising Acknowledgement License" ],
	["BSD-Attribution-HPND-disclaimer",			"BSD with Attribution and HPND disclaimer" ],
	["BSD-Inferno-Nettverk",		"BSD-Inferno-Nettverk" ],
	["BSD-Protection",				"BSD Protection License" ],
	["BSD-Source-beginning-file",	"BSD Source Code Attribution - beginning of file variant" ],
	["BSD-Source-Code",				"BSD Source Code Attribution" ],
	["BSD-Systemics",				"Systemics BSD variant license" ],
	["BSD-Systemics-W3Works",		"Systemics W3Works BSD variant license" ],
	["BSL-1.0",						"Boost Software License 1.0",								true ],
	["BUSL-1.1",					"Business Source License 1.1" ],
	["bzip2-1.0.6",					"bzip2 and libbzip2 License v1.0.6" ],
	["C-UDA-1.0",					"Computational Use of Data Agreement v1.0" ],
	["CAL-1.0",						"Cryptographic Autonomy License 1.0",						true ],
	["CAL-1.0-Combined-Work-Exception",			"Cryptographic Autonomy License 1.0 (Combined Work Exception)",	true ],
	["Caldera",						"Caldera License" ],
	["Caldera-no-preamble",			"Caldera License (without preamble)" ],
	["CATOSL-1.1",					"Computer Associates Trusted Open Source License 1.1",		true ],
	["CC-BY-1.0",					"Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-2.0",					"Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-2.5",					"Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-2.5-AU",				"Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia" ],
	["CC-BY-3.0",					"Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported" ],
	["CC-BY-3.0-AT",				"Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Austria" ],
	["CC-BY-3.0-AU",				"Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia" ],
	["CC-BY-3.0-DE",				"Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany" ],
	["CC-BY-3.0-IGO",				"Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO" ],
	["CC-BY-3.0-NL",				"Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Netherlands" ],
	["CC-BY-3.0-US",				"Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States" ],
	["CC-BY-4.0",					"Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-1.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 1.0 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-2.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 2.0 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-2.5",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 2.5 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-3.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0 Unported" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-3.0-DE",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0 Germany" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-4.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-ND-1.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 1.0 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 2.0 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-ND-2.5",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 2.5 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 Unported" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0-DE",			"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 Germany" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0-IGO",			"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 IGO" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-SA-1.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 1.0 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.0 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0-DE",			"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.0 Germany" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0-FR",			"Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 France" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0-UK",			"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.0 England and Wales" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.5 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0 Unported" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0-DE",			"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0 Germany" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0-IGO",			"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0 IGO" ],
	["CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International" ],
	["CC-BY-ND-1.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 1.0 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-ND-2.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 2.0 Generic" ],
	["CC-BY-ND-2.5",				"Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 2.5 Generic"], 
	["CC-BY-ND-3.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 3.0 Unported"], 
	["CC-BY-ND-3.0-DE",				"Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 3.0 Germany"], 
	["CC-BY-ND-4.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 4.0 International"], 
	["CC-BY-SA-1.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 1.0 Generic"], 
	["CC-BY-SA-2.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.0 Generic"], 
	["CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK",				"Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.0 England and Wales"], 
	["CC-BY-SA-2.1-JP",				"Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.1 Japan"], 
	["CC-BY-SA-2.5",				"Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.5 Generic"], 
	["CC-BY-SA-3.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Unported"], 
	["CC-BY-SA-3.0-AT",				"Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Austria"], 
	["CC-BY-SA-3.0-DE",				"Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Germany"], 
	["CC-BY-SA-3.0-IGO",			"Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO"], 
	["CC-BY-SA-4.0",				"Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International"], 
	["CC-PDDC",						"Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication and Certification"], 
	["CC0-1.0",						"Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal"], 
	["CDDL-1.0",					"Common Development and Distribution License 1.0",			true ], 
	["CDDL-1.1",					"Common Development and Distribution License 1.1"], 
	["CDL-1.0",						"Common Documentation License 1.0"], 
	["CDLA-Permissive-1.0",			"Community Data License Agreement Permissive 1.0"], 
	["CDLA-Permissive-2.0",			"Community Data License Agreement Permissive 2.0"], 
	["CDLA-Sharing-1.0",			"Community Data License Agreement Sharing 1.0"], 
	["CECILL-1.0",					"CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v1.0"], 
	["CECILL-1.1",					"CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v1.1"], 
	["CECILL-2.0",					"CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0"], 
	["CECILL-2.1",					"CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1",				true ], 
	["CECILL-B",					"CeCILL-B Free Software License Agreement"], 
	["CECILL-C",					"CeCILL-C Free Software License Agreement"], 
	["CERN-OHL-1.1",				"CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.1"], 
	["CERN-OHL-1.2",				"CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.2"], 
	["CERN-OHL-P-2.0",				"CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Permissive",		true ], 
	["CERN-OHL-S-2.0",				"CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly Reciprocal",	true ],
	["CERN-OHL-W-2.0",				"CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal",	true ], 
	["CFITSIO",						"CFITSIO License"],
	["check-cvs",					"check-cvs License"], 
	["checkmk",						"Checkmk License"], 
	["ClArtistic",					"Clarified Artistic License"], 
	["Clips",						"Clips License"], 
	["CMU-Mach",					"CMU Mach License"], 
	["CMU-Mach-nodoc",				"CMU Mach - no notices-in-documentation variant"], 
	["CNRI-Jython",					"CNRI Jython License"], 
	["CNRI-Python",					"CNRI Python License",										true ], 
	["CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible",				"CNRI Python Open Source GPL Compatible License Agreement"], 
	["COIL-1.0",					"Copyfree Open Innovation License"], 
	["Community-Spec-1.0",			"Community Specification License 1.0"], 
	["Condor-1.1",					"Condor Public License v1.1"], 
	["copyleft-next-0.3.0",			"copyleft-next 0.3.0"], 
	["copyleft-next-0.3.1",			"copyleft-next 0.3.1"], 
	["Cornell-Lossless-JPEG",		"Cornell Lossless JPEG License"], 
	["CPAL-1.0",					"Common Public Attribution License 1.0",					true ], 
	["CPL-1.0",						"Common Public License 1.0",								true ], 
	["CPOL-1.02",					"Code Project Open License 1.02"], 
	["Cronyx",						"Cronyx License"], 
	["Crossword",					"Crossword License"], 
	["CrystalStacker",				"CrystalStacker License"], 
	["CUA-OPL-1.0",					"CUA Office Public License v1.0",							true ], 
	["Cube",						"Cube License"], 
	["curl",						"curl License"], 
	["D-FSL-1.0",				 	"Deutsche Freie Software Lizenz"], 
	["DEC-3-Clause",				"DEC 3-Clause License"], 
	["diffmark",					"diffmark license"], 
	["DL-DE-BY-2.0",				"Data licence Germany – attribution – version 2.0"], 
	["DL-DE-ZERO-2.0",				"Data licence Germany – zero – version 2.0"], 
	["DOC",							"DOC License"], 
	["Dotseqn",						"Dotseqn License"], 
	["DRL-1.0",						"Detection Rule License 1.0"], 
	["DRL-1.1",						"Detection Rule License 1.1"], 
	["DSDP",						"DSDP License"], 
	["dtoa",						"David M. Gay dtoa License"], 
	["dvipdfm",						"dvipdfm License"], 
	["ECL-1.0",						"Educational Community License v1.0",						true ], 
	["ECL-2.0",						"Educational Community License v2.0",						true ], 
	["EFL-1.0",						"Eiffel Forum License v1.0",								true ], 
	["EFL-2.0",						"Eiffel Forum License v2.0",								true ], 
	["eGenix",						" Public License 1.1.0"], 
	["Elastic-2.0",					"Elastic License 2.0"], 
	["Entessa",						"Entessa Public License v1.0",								true ], 
	["EPICS",						"EPICS Open License"], 
	["EPL-1.0",						"Eclipse Public License 1.0",								true ], 
	["EPL-2.0",						"Eclipse Public License 2.0",								true ], 
	["ErlPL-1.1",					"Erlang Public License v1.1"], 
	["etalab-2.0",					"Etalab Open License 2.0"], 
	["EUDatagrid",					"EU DataGrid Software License",								true ], 
	["EUPL-1.0",					"European Union Public License 1.0"], 
	["EUPL-1.1",					"European Union Public License 1.1",						true ], 
	["EUPL-1.2",					"European Union Public License 1.2",						true ], 
	["Eurosym",						"Eurosym License"], 
	["Fair",						"Fair License",												true ], 
	["FBM",							"Fuzzy Bitmap License"], 
	["FDK-AAC",						"Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library"], 
	["Ferguson-Twofish",			"Ferguson Twofish License"], 
	["Frameworx-1.0",				"Frameworx Open License 1.0",								true ], 
	["FreeBSD-DOC",					"FreeBSD Documentation License"], 
	["FreeImage",					"FreeImage Public License v1.0"], 
	["FSFAP",					 	"FSF All Permissive License"], 
	["FSFAP-no-warranty-disclaimer",			"FSF All Permissive License (without Warranty)"], 
	["FSFUL",					 	"FSF Unlimited License"], 
	["FSFULLR",						"FSF Unlimited License (with License Retention)"], 
	["FSFULLRWD",					"FSF Unlimited License (With License Retention and Warranty Disclaimer)"], 
	["FTL",							"Freetype Project License"], 
	["Furuseth",					"Furuseth License"], 
	["fwlw",						"fwlw License"], 
	["GCR-docs",					"Gnome GCR Documentation License"], 
	["GD",							"GD License"], 
	["GFDL-1.1-invariants-only",	"GNU Free Documentation License v1.1 only - invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.1-invariants-or-later",			"GNU Free Documentation License v1.1 or later - invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.1-no-invariants-only",				"GNU Free Documentation License v1.1 only - no invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.1-no-invariants-or-later",			"GNU Free Documentation License v1.1 or later - no invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.1-only",				"GNU Free Documentation License v1.1 only"], 
	["GFDL-1.1-or-later",			"GNU Free Documentation License v1.1 or later"], 
	["GFDL-1.2-invariants-only",	"GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 only - invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.2-invariants-or-later","GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 or later - invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-only",	"GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 only - no invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later",			"GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 or later - no invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.2-only",				"GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 only"], 
	["GFDL-1.2-or-later",			"GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 or later"], 
	["GFDL-1.3-invariants-only",	"GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 only - invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.3-invariants-or-later",			"GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 or later - invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only",	"GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 only - no invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later",			"GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 or later - no invariants"], 
	["GFDL-1.3-only",				"GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 only"], 
	["GFDL-1.3-or-later",			"GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 or later"], 
	["Giftware",					"Giftware License"], 
	["GL2PS",						"GL2PS License"], 
	["Glide",						"3dfx Glide License"], 
	["Glulxe",						"Glulxe License"], 
	["GLWTPL",						"Good Luck With That Public License"], 
	["gnuplot",						"gnuplot License"], 
	["GPL-1.0-only",				"GNU General Public License v1.0 only"], 
	["GPL-1.0-or-later",			"GNU General Public License v1.0 or later"], 
	["GPL-2.0-only",				"GNU General Public License v2.0 only",						true ], 
	["GPL-2.0-or-later",			"GNU General Public License v2.0 or later",					true ], 
	["GPL-3.0-only",				"GNU General Public License v3.0 only",						true ], 
	["GPL-3.0-or-later",			"GNU General Public License v3.0 or later",					true ], 
	["Graphics-Gems",				"Graphics Gems License"], 
	["gSOAP-1.3b",					"gSOAP Public License v1.3b"], 
	["gtkbook",						"gtkbook License"], 
	["HaskellReport",				"Haskell Language Report License"], 
	["hdparm",						"hdparm License"], 
	["Hippocratic-2.1",				"Hippocratic License 2.1"], 
	["HP-1986",						"Hewlett-Packard 1986 License"], 
	["HP-1989",						"Hewlett-Packard 1989 License"], 
	["HPND",						"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer",				true ], 
	["HPND-DEC",					"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - DEC variant"], 
	["HPND-doc",					"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - documentation variant"], 
	["HPND-doc-sell",				"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - documentation sell variant"], 
	["HPND-export-US",				"HPND with US Government export control warning"], 
	["HPND-export-US-modify",		"HPND with US Government export control warning and modification rqmt"], 
	["HPND-Fenneberg-Livingston",	"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - Fenneberg-Livingston variant"], 
	["HPND-INRIA-IMAG",				"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - INRIA-IMAG variant"], 
	["HPND-Kevlin-Henney",			"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - Kevlin Henney variant"], 
	["HPND-Markus-Kuhn",			"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - Markus Kuhn variant"], 
	["HPND-MIT-disclaimer",			"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer with MIT disclaimer"], 
	["HPND-Pbmplus",				"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - Pbmplus variant"], 
	["HPND-sell-MIT-disclaimer-xserver",		"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - sell xserver variant with MIT disclaimer"], 
	["HPND-sell-regexpr",			"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - sell regexpr variant"], 
	["HPND-sell-variant",			"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - sell variant"], 
	["HPND-sell-variant-MIT-disclaimer",		"HPND sell variant with MIT disclaimer"], 
	["HPND-UC",						"Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - University of California variant"], 
	["HTMLTIDY",					"HTML Tidy License"], 
	["IBM-pibs",					"IBM PowerPC Initialization and Boot Software"], 
	["ICU",							"ICU License",												true ], 
	["IEC-Code-Components-EULA",	"IEC Code Components End-user licence agreement"], 
	["IJG",							"Independent JPEG Group License"], 
	["IJG-short",					"Independent JPEG Group License - short"], 
	["ImageMagick",					"ImageMagick License"], 
	["iMatix",						"iMatix Standard Function Library Agreement"], 
	["Imlib2",						"Imlib2 License"], 
	["Info-ZIP",					"Info-ZIP License"], 
	["Inner-Net-2.0",				"Inner Net License v2.0"], 
	["Intel",						"Intel Open Source License",								true ], 
	["Intel-ACPI",					"Intel ACPI Software License Agreement"], 
	["Interbase-1.0",				"Interbase Public License v1.0"], 
	["IPA",							"IPA Font License",											true ], 
	["IPL-1.0",						"IBM Public License v1.0",									true ], 
	["ISC",							"ISC License",												true ], 
	["ISC-Veillard",				"ISC Veillard variant"], 
	["Jam",							"Jam License",												true ], 
	["JasPer-2.0",					"JasPer License"], 
	["JPL-image",					"JPL Image Use Policy"], 
	["JPNIC",						"Japan Network Information Center License"], 
	["JSON",						"JSON License"], 
	["Kastrup",						"Kastrup License"], 
	["Kazlib",						"Kazlib License"], 
	["Knuth-CTAN",					"Knuth CTAN License"], 
	["LAL-1.2",						"Licence Art Libre 1.2"], 
	["LAL-1.3",						"Licence Art Libre 1.3"], 
	["Latex2e",						"Latex2e License"], 
	["Latex2e-translated-notice",	"Latex2e with translated notice permission"], 
	["Leptonica",					"Leptonica License"], 
	["LGPL-2.0-only",				"GNU Library General Public License v2 only",				true ], 
	["LGPL-2.0-or-later",			"GNU Library General Public License v2 or later",			true ], 
	["LGPL-2.1-only",				"GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only",				true ], 
	["LGPL-2.1-or-later",			"GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later",			true ], 
	["LGPL-3.0-only",				"GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 only",				true ], 
	["LGPL-3.0-or-later",			"GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later",			true ], 
	["LGPLLR",						"Lesser General Public License For Linguistic Resources" ], 
	["Libpng",						"libpng License"], 
	["libpng-2.0",					"PNG Reference Library version 2"], 
	["libselinux-1.0",				"libselinux public domain notice"], 
	["libtiff",						"libtiff License"], 
	["libutil-David-Nugent",		"libutil David Nugent License"], 
	["LiLiQ-P-1.1",					"Licence Libre du Québec – Permissive version 1.1",			true ], 
	["LiLiQ-R-1.1",					"Licence Libre du Québec – Réciprocité version 1.1",		true ], 
	["LiLiQ-Rplus-1.1",				"Licence Libre du Québec – Réciprocité forte version 1.1",	true], 
	["Linux-man-pages-1-para",		"Linux man-pages - 1 paragraph"], 
	["Linux-man-pages-copyleft",	"Linux man-pages Copyleft"], 
	["Linux-man-pages-copyleft-2-para",			"Linux man-pages Copyleft - 2 paragraphs"], 
	["Linux-man-pages-copyleft-var",			"Linux man-pages Copyleft Variant"], 
	["Linux-OpenIB",				"Linux Kernel Variant of license"], 
	["LOOP",						"Common Lisp LOOP License"], 
	["LPD-document",				"LPD Documentation License"], 
	["LPL-1.0",						"Lucent Public License Version 1.0",						true ], 
	["LPL-1.02",					"Lucent Public License v1.02",								true ], 
	["LPPL-1.0",					"LaTeX Project Public License v1.0"], 
	["LPPL-1.1",					"LaTeX Project Public License v1.1"], 
	["LPPL-1.2",					"LaTeX Project Public License v1.2"], 
	["LPPL-1.3a",					"LaTeX Project Public License v1.3a"], 
	["LPPL-1.3c",					"LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c",						true ], 
	["lsof",						"lsof License"], 
	["Lucida-Bitmap-Fonts",			"Lucida Bitmap Fonts License"], 
	["LZMA-SDK-9.11-to-9.20",		"LZMA SDK License (versions 9.11 to 9.20)"], 
	["LZMA-SDK-9.22",				"LZMA SDK License (versions 9.22 and beyond)"], 
	["Mackerras-3-Clause",			"Mackerras 3-Clause License"], 
	["Mackerras-3-Clause-acknowledgment",	 	"Mackerras 3-Clause - acknowledgment variant"], 
	["magaz",						"magaz License"], 
	["mailprio",					"mailprio License"], 
	["MakeIndex",					"MakeIndex License"], 
	["Martin-Birgmeier",			"Martin Birgmeier License"], 
	["McPhee-slideshow",			"McPhee Slideshow License"], 
	["metamail",					"metamail License"], 
	["Minpack",					 	"Minpack License"], 
	["MirOS",						"The MirOS Licence",										true ], 
	["MIT",							"MIT License",												true ], 
	["MIT-0",						"MIT No Attribution",										true ], 
	["MIT-advertising",				"Enlightenment License (e16)"], 
	["MIT-CMU",						"CMU License"], 
	["MIT-enna",					"enna License"], 
	["MIT-feh",						"feh License"], 
	["MIT-Festival",				"MIT Festival Variant"], 
	["MIT-Modern-Variant",			"MIT License Modern Variant",								true ], 
	["MIT-open-group",				"MIT Open Group variant"], 
	["MIT-testregex",				"MIT testregex Variant"], 
	["MIT-Wu",						"MIT Tom Wu Variant"], 
	["MITNFA",						"MIT +no-false-attribs license"], 
	["MMIXware",					"MMIXware License"], 
	["Motosoto",					"Motosoto License",											true ], 
	["MPEG-SSG",					"MPEG Software Simulation"], 
	["mpi-permissive",				"mpi Permissive License"], 
	["mpich2",						"mpich2 License"], 
	["MPL-1.0",						"Mozilla Public License 1.0",								true ], 
	["MPL-1.1",						"Mozilla Public License 1.1",								true ], 
	["MPL-2.0",						"Mozilla Public License 2.0",								true ], 
	["MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception",			"Mozilla Public License 2.0 (no copyleft exception)",	true ], 
	["mplus",						"mplus Font License"], 
	["MS-LPL",						"Microsoft Limited Public License"], 
	["MS-PL",						"Microsoft Public License",									true ], 
	["MS-RL",						"Microsoft Reciprocal License",								true ], 
	["MTLL",						"Matrix Template Library License"], 
	["MulanPSL-1.0",				"Mulan Permissive Software License, Version 1"], 
	["MulanPSL-2.0",				"Mulan Permissive Software License, Version 2",				true ], 
	["Multics",						"Multics License",											true ], 
	["Mup",							"Mup License"], 
	["NAIST-2003",					"Nara Institute of Science and Technology License (2003)"], 
	["NASA-1.3",					"NASA Open Source Agreement 1.3",							true ], 
	["Naumen",						"Naumen Public License",									true ], 
	["NBPL-1.0",					"Net Boolean Public License v1"], 
	["NCGL-UK-2.0",					"Non-Commercial Government Licence"], 
	["NCSA",						"University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License",			true ], 
	["Net-SNMP",					"Net-SNMP License"], 
	["NetCDF",						"NetCDF license"], 
	["Newsletr",					"Newsletr License"], 
	["NGPL",						"Nethack General Public License",							true ], 
	["NICTA-1.0",					"NICTA Public Software License, Version 1.0"], 
	["NIST-PD",						"NIST Public Domain Notice"], 
	["NIST-PD-fallback",			"NIST Public Domain Notice with license fallback"], 
	["NIST-Software",				"NIST Software License"], 
	["NLOD-1.0",					"Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD) 1.0"], 
	["NLOD-2.0",					"Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD) 2.0"], 
	["NLPL",						"No Limit Public License"], 
	["Nokia",						"Nokia Open Source License",								true ], 
	["NOSL",						"Netizen Open Source License"], 
	["Noweb",						"Noweb License"], 
	["NPL-1.0",						"Netscape Public License v1.0"], 
	["NPL-1.1",						"Netscape Public License v1.1"], 
	["NPOSL-3.0",					"Non-Profit Open Software License 3.0",						true ], 
	["NRL",							"NRL License"], 
	["NTP",							"NTP License",												true ], 
	["NTP-0",						"NTP No Attribution"], 
	["O-UDA-1.0",					"Open Use of Data Agreement v1.0"], 
	["OCCT-PL",						"Open CASCADE Technology Public License"], 
	["OCLC-2.0",					"OCLC Research Public License 2.0",							true ], 
	["ODbL-1.0",					"Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0"], 
	["ODC-By-1.0",					"Open Data Commons Attribution License v1.0"], 
	["OFFIS",						"OFFIS License"], 
	["OFL-1.0",						"SIL Open Font License 1.0"], 
	["OFL-1.0-no-RFN",				"SIL Open Font License 1.0 with no Reserved Font Name"], 
	["OFL-1.0-RFN",					"SIL Open Font License 1.0 with Reserved Font Name"], 
	["OFL-1.1",						"SIL Open Font License 1.1",								true ], 
	["OFL-1.1-no-RFN",				"SIL Open Font License 1.1 with no Reserved Font Name",		true ], 
	["OFL-1.1-RFN",					"SIL Open Font License 1.1 with Reserved Font Name",		true ], 
	["OGC-1.0",						"OGC Software License, Version 1.0"], 
	["OGDL-Taiwan-1.0",				"Taiwan Open Government Data License, version 1.0"], 
	["OGL-Canada-2.0",				"Open Government Licence - Canada"], 
	["OGL-UK-1.0",					"Open Government Licence v1.0"], 
	["OGL-UK-2.0",					"Open Government Licence v2.0"], 
	["OGL-UK-3.0",					"Open Government Licence v3.0"], 
	["OGTSL",						"Open Group Test Suite License",							true ], 
	["OLDAP-1.1",					"Open LDAP Public License v1.1"], 
	["OLDAP-1.2",					"Open LDAP Public License v1.2"], 
	["OLDAP-1.3",					"Open LDAP Public License v1.3"], 
	["OLDAP-1.4",					"Open LDAP Public License v1.4"], 
	["OLDAP-2.0",					"Open LDAP Public License v2.0 (or possibly 2.0A and 2.0B)"], 
	["OLDAP-2.0.1",					"Open LDAP Public License v2.0.1"], 
	["OLDAP-2.1",					"Open LDAP Public License v2.1"], 
	["OLDAP-2.2",					"Open LDAP Public License v2.2"], 
	["OLDAP-2.2.1",					"Open LDAP Public License v2.2.1"], 
	["OLDAP-2.2.2",					"Open LDAP Public License 2.2.2"], 
	["OLDAP-2.3",					"Open LDAP Public License v2.3"], 
	["OLDAP-2.4",					"Open LDAP Public License v2.4"], 
	["OLDAP-2.5",					"Open LDAP Public License v2.5"], 
	["OLDAP-2.6",					"Open LDAP Public License v2.6"], 
	["OLDAP-2.7",					"Open LDAP Public License v2.7"], 
	["OLDAP-2.8",					"Open LDAP Public License v2.8",							true ], 
	["OLFL-1.3",					"Open Logistics Foundation License Version 1.3",			true ], 
	["OML",							"Open Market License",], 
	["OpenPBS-2.3",					"OpenPBS v2.3 Software License"], 
	["OpenSSL",						"OpenSSL License"], 
	["OpenSSL-standalone",			"OpenSSL License - standalone"], 
	["OpenVision",					"OpenVision License"], 
	["OPL-1.0",						"Open Public License v1.0"], 
	["OPL-UK-3.0",					"United Kingdom Open Parliament Licence v3.0"], 
	["OPUBL-1.0",					"Open Publication License v1.0"], 
	["OSET-PL-2.1",					"OSET Public License version 2.1",							true ], 
	["OSL-1.0",						"Open Software License 1.0",								true ], 
	["OSL-1.1",						"Open Software License 1.1"], 
	["OSL-2.0",						"Open Software License 2.0",								true ], 
	["OSL-2.1",						"Open Software License 2.1",								true ], 
	["OSL-3.0",						"Open Software License 3.0",								true ], 
	["PADL",						"PADL License"], 
	["Parity-6.0.0",				"The Parity Public License 6.0.0"], 
	["Parity-7.0.0",				"The Parity Public License 7.0.0"], 
	["PDDL-1.0",					"Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication & License 1.0"], 
	["PHP-3.0",						"PHP License v3.0",											true ], 
	["PHP-3.01",					"PHP License v3.01",										true ], 
	["Pixar",						"Pixar License"], 
	["Plexus",						"Plexus Classworlds License"], 
	["pnmstitch",					"pnmstitch License"], 
	["PolyForm-Noncommercial-1.0.0",		"PolyForm Noncommercial License 1.0.0"], 
	["PolyForm-Small-Business-1.0.0",		"PolyForm Small Business License 1.0.0"], 
	["PostgreSQL",					"PostgreSQL License",										true ], 
	["PSF-2.0",						"Python Software Foundation License 2.0"], 
	["psfrag",						"psfrag License"], 
	["psutils",						"psutils License"], 
	["Python-2.0",					"Python License 2.0",										true ], 
	["Python-2.0.1",				"Python License 2.0.1"], 
	["python-ldap",					"Python ldap License"], 
	["Qhull",						"Qhull License"], 
	["QPL-1.0",						"Q Public License 1.0",										true ], 
	["QPL-1.0-INRIA-2004",			"Q Public License 1.0 - INRIA 2004 variant"], 
	["radvd",						"radvd License"], 
	["Rdisc",						"Rdisc License"], 
	["RHeCos-1.1",					"Red Hat eCos Public License v1.1",							true ], 
	["RPL-1.1",					 	"Reciprocal Public License 1.1",							true ], 
	["RPL-1.5",						"Reciprocal Public License 1.5",							true ], 
	["RPSL-1.0",					"RealNetworks Public Source License v1.0",					true ], 
	["RSA-MD",						"RSA Message-Digest License"], 
	["RSCPL",						"Ricoh Source Code Public License"], 
	["Ruby",						"Ruby License"], 
	["SAX-PD",						"Sax Public Domain Notice"], 
	["SAX-PD-2.0",					"Sax Public Domain Notice 2.0"], 
	["Saxpath",						"Saxpath License"], 
	["SCEA",						"SCEA Shared Source License"], 
	["SchemeReport",				"Scheme Language Report License"], 
	["Sendmail",					"Sendmail License"], 
	["Sendmail-8.23",				"Sendmail License 8.23"], 
	["SGI-B-1.0",					"SGI Free Software License B v1.0"], 
	["SGI-B-1.1",					"SGI Free Software License B v1.1"], 
	["SGI-B-2.0",					"SGI Free Software License B v2.0"], 
	["SGI-OpenGL",					"SGI OpenGL License"], 
	["SGP4",						"SGP4 Permission Notice"], 
	["SHL-0.5",						"Solderpad Hardware License v0.5"], 
	["SHL-0.51",					"Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51"], 
	["SimPL-2.0",					"Simple Public License 2.0",								true ], 
	["SISSL",						"Sun Industry Standards Source License v1.1",				true ], 
	["SISSL-1.2",					"Sun Industry Standards Source License v1.2"], 
	["SL",							"SL License"], 
	["Sleepycat",					"Sleepycat License",										true ], 
	["SMLNJ",						"Standard ML of New Jersey License"], 
	["SMPPL",						"Secure Messaging Protocol Public License"], 
	["SNIA",						"SNIA Public License 1.1"], 
	["snprintf",					"snprintf License"], 
	["softSurfer",					"softSurfer License"], 
	["Soundex",						"Soundex License"], 
	["Spencer-86",					"Spencer License 86"], 
	["Spencer-94",					"Spencer License 94"], 
	["Spencer-99",					"Spencer License 99"], 
	["SPL-1.0",						"Sun Public License v1.0",									true ], 
	["ssh-keyscan",					"ssh-keyscan License"], 
	["SSH-OpenSSH",				 	"SSH OpenSSH license"], 
	["SSH-short",					"SSH short notice"], 
	["SSLeay-standalone",			"SSLeay License - standalone"], 
	["SSPL-1.0",					"Server Side Public License, v 1"], 
	["SugarCRM-1.1.3",				"SugarCRM Public License v1.1.3"], 
	["Sun-PPP",						"Sun PPP License"], 
	["SunPro",						"SunPro License"], 
	["SWL",							"Scheme Widget Library (SWL) Software License Agreement"], 
	["swrule",						"swrule License"], 
	["Symlinks",					"Symlinks License"], 
	["TAPR-OHL-1.0",				"TAPR Open Hardware License v1.0"], 
	["TCL",							"TCL/TK License"], 
	["TCP-wrappers",				"TCP Wrappers License"], 
	["TermReadKey",					"TermReadKey License"], 
	["TGPPL-1.0",					"Transitive Grace Period Public Licence 1.0"], 
	["TMate",						"TMate Open Source License"], 
	["TORQUE-1.1",					"TORQUE v2.5+ Software License v1.1"], 
	["TOSL",						"Trusster Open Source License"], 
	["TPDL",						"Time::ParseDate License"], 
	["TPL-1.0",						"THOR Public License 1.0"], 
	["TTWL",						"Text-Tabs+Wrap License"], 
	["TTYP0",						"TTYP0 License"], 
	["TU-Berlin-1.0",				"Technische Universitaet Berlin License 1.0"], 
	["TU-Berlin-2.0",				"Technische Universitaet Berlin License 2.0"], 
	["UCAR",						"UCAR License"], 
	["UCL-1.0",						"Upstream Compatibility License v1.0",						true ], 
	["ulem",						"ulem License"], 
	["UMich-Merit",					"Michigan/Merit Networks License"], 
	["Unicode-3.0",					"Unicode License v3",										true ], 
	["Unicode-DFS-2015",			"Unicode License Agreement - Data Files and Software (2015)"], 
	["Unicode-DFS-2016",			"Unicode License Agreement - Data Files and Software (2016)",	true ], 
	["Unicode-TOU",					"Unicode Terms of Use"], 
	["UnixCrypt",					"UnixCrypt License"], 
	["Unlicense",					"The Unlicense",											true ], 
	["UPL-1.0",						"Universal Permissive License v1.0",						true ], 
	["URT-RLE",						"Utah Raster Toolkit Run Length Encoded License"], 
	["Vim",							"Vim License"], 
	["VOSTROM",						"VOSTROM Public License for Open Source"], 
	["VSL-1.0",						"Vovida Software License v1.0",								true ], 
	["W3C",							"W3C Software Notice and License (2002-12-31)",				true ], 
	["W3C-19980720",				"W3C Software Notice and License (1998-07-20)"], 
	["W3C-20150513",				"W3C Software Notice and Document License (2015-05-13)"], 
	["w3m",							"w3m License"], 
	["Watcom-1.0",					"Sybase Open Watcom Public License 1.0",					true ], 
	["Widget-Workshop",				"Widget Workshop License"], 
	["Wsuipa",						"Wsuipa License"], 
	["WTFPL",						"Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License"], 
	["X11",							"X11 License"], 
	["X11-distribute-modifications-variant",	"X11 License Distribution Modification Variant"], 
	["Xdebug-1.03",					"Xdebug License v 1.03"], 
	["Xerox",						"Xerox License"], 
	["Xfig",						"Xfig License"], 
	["XFree86-1.1",					"XFree86 License 1.1"], 
	["xinetd",						"xinetd License"], 
	["xkeyboard-config-Zinoviev", 	"xkeyboard-config Zinoviev License"], 
	["xlock",						"xlock License"], 
	["Xnet",						"X.Net License",											true ], 
	["xpp",							"XPP License"], 
	["XSkat",						"XSkat License"], 
	["YPL-1.0",						"Yahoo! Public License v1.0"], 
	["YPL-1.1",						"Yahoo! Public License v1.1"], 
	["Zed",							"Zed License"], 
	["Zeeff",						"Zeeff License"], 
	["Zend-2.0",					"Zend License v2.0"], 
	["Zimbra-1.3",					"Zimbra Public License v1.3"], 
	["Zimbra-1.4",					"Zimbra Public License v1.4"], 
	["Zlib",						"zlib License",												true ], 
	["zlib-acknowledgement",		"zlib/libpng License with Acknowledgement"], 
	["ZPL-1.1",						"Zope Public License 1.1"], 
	["ZPL-2.0",						"Zope Public License 2.0",									true ], 
	["ZPL-2.1",						"Zope Public License 2.1",									true ]

const deplicated = [
//	Deplicated identifier			Alternate identifier	Full name
	["AGPL-1.0",					"AGPL-1.0-only"],
	["AGPL-3.0",					"AGPL-3.0-only"],
	["BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD",		"BSD-2-Clause-Views"],
	["BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD",			"BSD-2-Clause"],
	["bzip2-1.0.5",					"bzip2-1.0.6"],
	["eCos-2.0",					null,					"eCos license version 2.0"],
	["GFDL-1.1",					"GFDL-1.1-only"],
	["GFDL-1.2",					"GFDL-1.2-only"],
	["GFDL-1.3",					"GFDL-1.3-only"],
	["GPL-1.0",						"GPL-1.0-only"],
	["GPL-1.0+",					"GPL-1.0-or-later"],
	["GPL-2.0",						"GPL-2.0-only"],
	["GPL-2.0+",					"GPL-2.0-or-later"],
	["GPL-2.0-with-autoconf-exception",	null,				"GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Autoconf exception"],
	["GPL-2.0-with-bison-exception",	null,				"GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Bison exception"],
	["GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception",	null,			"GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception"],
	["GPL-2.0-with-font-exception",		null,				"GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Font exception"],
	["GPL-2.0-with-GCC-exception",		null,				"GNU General Public License v2.0 w/GCC Runtime Library exception"],
	["GPL-3.0",						"GPL-3.0-only"],
	["GPL-3.0+",					"GPL-3.0-or-later"],
	["GPL-3.0-with-autoconf-exception",	null,				"GNU General Public License v3.0 w/Autoconf exception"],
	["GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception",		null,				"GNU General Public License v3.0 w/GCC Runtime Library exception"],
	["LGPL-2.0",					"LGPL-2.0-only"],
	["LGPL-2.0+",					"LGPL-2.0-or-later"],
	["LGPL-2.1",					"LGPL-2.1-only"],
	["LGPL-2.1+",					"LGPL-2.1-or-later"],
	["LGPL-3.0",					"LGPL-3.0-only"],
	["LGPL-3.0+",					"LGPL-3.0-or-later"],
	["Nunit",						null,					"Nunit License"],
	["StandardML-NJ",				"SMLNJ"],
	["wxWindows",					null,					"wxWindows Library License"]



404 WASP not found

第12回 「パーソナルサーバ」について考える

Jar Gardenに植物を植える



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オープンソースのノートアプリ「SiYuan」 - CasaOS AppStoreレビュー



SPDX License Listをデータ化した

Orange Pi5でC3TR-Adapterを試す